Designing for Comfort: The Importance of Ergonomics in Interior Design

27 Feb 2024
01 January 1970

You must have come across the word "ergonomics." And if you haven’t, you do not have to worry, as we are here to help you. So talking of the term ergonomic, it is nothing but a concept that is widely used in the interior design industry. The reason behind educating you on this term is that it is widely used and accepted by top interior designers in Singapore. So, it is imperative for you to have a good understanding of what it actually means and how you can adopt it if you are someone who is planning to renovate your home.

Ergonomics is nothing but a type of design that is all about arranging and designing workplaces, products, and systems so that they fit the people who use them. In simple words, ergonomics is directed towards designing the house in such a way that all the objects in a room provide the people in the room with comfort to work within, so that productivity can be maximised. Ergonomics is mostly considered in workplace design, but it can also be used in decorating houses.

To understand the concept in depth, consider this example: Think of a pen. You’ll notice that most pens are a certain length. Now try to recall some childhood memories. Remember those weird pens that kids used to flex at school? The ones that were as long as a twelve-inch ruler? Remember how uncomfortable they were to be with? Ergonomics focuses on variables like this and ensures that the object that you are using is of the right design to fit the user. Which is why sometimes it’s referred to as "human factors.

Now the big question: Why is ergonomics a crucial part of interior design?

Ergonomics is all about comfort and productivity. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, people were asked to work from home, and our homes were obviously not designed in a way where jobs could be performed. And this is where the concept of ergonomics creeps in. The concept is all about providing an environment where people can be productive and comfortable when they work. Hence, it can now be said that ergonomics is not just confined to an office setting but can also be applied to residential interior design. To understand the importance of ergonomics in home interiors, you need to imagine yourself in a situation where you are at home and you are asked to sit and perform all the jobs that you usually perform in your office setting. Think of sitting on the chair at your dining table from 9am to 5 p.m. and continuously deploying all your duties. Do you feel comfortable? Obviously not, and this is because traditional homes are not designed according to the ergonomics concept of interior design, and hence people in such a setting cannot be comfortable, which leads to zero productivity.

According to research, workplaces and furnishings that are designed using the ergonomics  concept can increase productivity and employee well-being. Additionally, ergonomic workstations can lower stress, avoid accidents, and prevent chronic discomfort. Numerous ergonomic infrastructures and products, such as chairs, locker access, and shelving height, are created to increase workers' comfort and functionality. Let's examine some instances of ergonomic design that you might use in your home office. 

1.Lighting sources:

proper lighting can drastically reduce the impact on the eyes of the people working in the offices. So to avoid putting strain on the eyes of your employees, you need to ensure that you place your desk facing the window. You can even use desk lamps to ensure proper illumination. Natural light can also boost your energy and vitamin D levels, improve your mood, decrease headaches, and help you sleep better at night.



For the longest time, desk design has been more of a one-size-fits-all approach. But ergonomics takes a more holistic approach with the understanding that all of us have different body sizes and types, and not all desk jobs have the same requirements. Hence, a desk should be customised according to your body type, the type of work, and what equipment you require to do the job.

So, above are just two points to help you understand the role that ergonomics play in home interior design. There are numerous different instances that are enough to make you understand the importance of ergonomics. And if you are curious to know them, get in touch with our excellent team of interior designers.
